21 may 2024

SDG goal 12 which states responsible consumption and production of goods. Goods are usually only categorised or generalised to things which we consume on a daily basis. This goal refers to less wastage of goods and reducing carbon footprint during production of goods. According to me this shouldn't only be restricted to only goods but also exchange of thoughts on social media platforms where the advertisers are the consumers and producers are the people behing these platforms. We are just the goods being traded as you can't be the consumer unless you pay for the goods. You might fing yourself in a pool filled with questions. Well advertisers are the ones paying for the thing we say that we are using and in return what they are getting is attention from us for more revenue in their companies. To pull or attract us to these platforms is the work of all the producers who make us fall into a social dillema causing addictions and sensitivity between teens. This unrest is something which should be taken note of. Every producer for the sake of more revenue finds ways for us to be attracted to social media platforms and nowadays even AI is used for this as it dosnt knows what is ethical and what is not. Now coming to consequences of this entire system of mass revenue. People like us due to these addictions will suffer from sensitivity, prone to propaganda and seperation from the real world. For the producers propaganda and anything related to it would be meaningless if the advertiser is willing to pay exceeding amounts. This can cause communist and dictarship related ideas amongst the users of social media. For this the producers should be ethical for what they display on the platform and consumers should be reported and taken action on for spreading propaganda directly or indirectly.Now I Atharv rest my case regarding the SDG goal 12 that it shouldn't only be catgorised to household goods.