It's scorching out there. The temperature of Delhi has never been so high. One must wonder, how to cool your room?
Now, the obvious answer is using an AC or a cooler. But, air conditioners are not good for the environment. They are high-maintencance and expensive. AC = problem. They emit harmful gases which is another leading cause of global warming. Coolers worked until a few days ago, but in such heat, the water in coolers becomes hot and thus, it produces hot air instead of cold air, completely defeating its purpose. So, you ask, how do I cool my room efficiently? Well, I have an answer.
As you can see in the attached photograph, there is a fairly thin towel hanging down the forged door. The towel is damp with water. So when air enters your room, it will go through the towel and bring in breeze instead of the hot loo. Make sure there's cross ventilation in the room. It may seem inefficient and tedious because the towel dries and needs to be hung once again, however, over a few hours, your room will be much cooler in an eco-friendly and very cheap way.

No AC, no problem.